Let our AI tools help you through your Job Search Journey!

Introducing our AI tool sets tailored specifically for job seekers. Designed to simplify your job search and maximize your chances of landing that dream role. You can effortlessly draft professional resumes, automate the time consuming work of cover-letter writing, or get a customized job interview questions, all of which are specifically tailored to your target job and your professional background. Learn more about how these works below!

AI Powered Tool Sets for Job Seekers

The AI Resume Writer transforms your input into a standout resume. It delves into your professional and educational history to highlight your key skills, crafts a career summary, and outlines your professional experiences, skills, and education.

The AI Cover Letter Writer quickly crafts a unique cover letter that distinguishes you from competitors, using your career summary and job application details for a personalized touch.

The AI Interview Prep Buddy enhances your interview skills through practice responses on the GPT platform, while the email version offers a detailed strategy and custom mock questions tailored to your target position.

AI Resume Writer
AI Cover Letter Writer
AI Interview Prep Buddy

How it works

Choose between two convenient platforms: Chat GPT or Email delivery.

Pre-Trained GPTs

Engage with our pre-trained GPTs with ease. Simply click on the GPT icons to initiate a conversation with our expertly trained models. They will guide you through a series of straightforward steps, gathering your input to create personalized outputs such as a draft resume, a draft cover letter, and interview preparation questions.

Our advanced GPT models, hosted on OpenAI's GPT stores, are readily available for Chat GPT Plus users or those with higher plans.

Email Delivery (Beta)

Prefer email? No problem! If you don't have a Chat GPT account, you can still receive the same exceptional service via email. Click on the email icons above to access our intake forms. Once completed and submitted, our Chat GPT-powered automation processes your request. It operates daily and you'll receive an editable Google document for both your cover letter and resume, which you can download, modify, and fine-tune at your convenience.

Interview questions that are predicted and created for your targeted job will be sent directly to your email.

These services are currently in beta mode, and exclusively available to our beta users. You will receive an access code if you are a beta user.

We prioritize your privacy and data security. Rest assured, any draft documents created will be automatically deleted 7 days after their creation. Furthermore, we guarantee that your personal data, provided for using these AI tools, will solely be used for delivering the services you request, with no external application.